
Implementing Animal Welfare Commitments: GCAW Member Experiences

This resource provides practical insight to help companies to unlock progress on fulfilling animal welfare commitments, along with a Best Practice Framework which can be adopted and adapted as an effective approach to improving animal welfare in supply chains.

GCAW Cage-Free Eggs Global Landscape Review

This research-led resource presents the status of global egg production, collating available data on the 40 countries that together represent over 90% of all eggs produced.


GCAW Recommendation on the Use of Welfare Outcome Measures for Broiler Chickens

This resource provides recommendations for using welfare outcome measures alongside input-based measures for supporting improvements in broiler chicken welfare.

Consultation on Cage-Free Egg Procurement Report

A report on the GCAW consultation on the use of mass balance and book-and-claim supply chains for cage-free eggs.

GCAW Approach to Animal Welfare

Prioritising welfare issues and developing roadmaps for industry change while supporting producers in implementing strong animal welfare practices.


The Global Coalition for Animal Welfare (GCAW) is a targeted, action-oriented, multi-stakeholder platform for the advancement of farm animal welfare globally.